To give and not to count the cost....
Praise be: Dear saviour the keeper of our souls.......
We are justified by you......... Just one drop of your blood would have been enough......
Help me to spend more time just with you.......
Why have I put up this wall which at times I can't allow you to break down.......
You must be Lord of All the rooms in my house........
Indeed we ARE temples of the Holy Spirit....
How awesome is that?
It is so easy to grieve you dear third person of the trinity.......
But you came as a DOVE.....
Indeed long ago when Noah sent you out of his ark............
and again during your baptism by your cousin faithful John......
When the religious asked you 'had you come to do away with the Law...
You said 'no I have come to fulfill it!'
So both the Old and the New testament stand in evidence of your coming.....
The Holy spirit weaving strands through all until the time of the times.......
We have been given shoes of Peace........
Indeed we do fight but that is a battle fought in heaven along with your blessed angels.....
Your covenant stands For Peace & Love.......
When your faithful impetuous Peter struck the ear of the Roman
You said: my kingdom is not of this world.........
Then you healed the ear not of a friend but of an enemy.......
How far we have come from that simple unfettered life......
Everything has become off balance...
We do indeed reap that which we sow.....
But only very few men have the gift to live in complete isolation from everyone.
We are not islands to our selves...
You were there in the midst of all the sin and degradation with all the down cast and heavy laden.
Lord help me to become more like you.......
Restore this broken pot to a vessel you can use.....
Help me to you did....
Whatever things are true, whatever things are pure, whatever things are of good report, think only on these things.....